Eligibility for Benefits

All the membership benefits of the IES are for the use of IES fully paid subscription members as well as their direct families (fathers, mother, sister, brother, daughter, son, grandparents and parent-in-laws).

IES Publications:


 Last Updated: 31 Aug 2010

The rules shall apply to all forms of engineering employment, and for the purpose of these Rules the term “Employer” shall include the term “Client”.

All members of the Institution are enjoined to conform with the letter and the spirit of the Rules set out hereunder.

(1) A member, in his responsibility to his Employer and to the profession, shall have full regard to the public interest.

(2) A member shall order his conduct so as to uphold the dignity, standing and reputation of the profession.

(3) A member shall discharge his duties to his Employer with complete fidelity. In whatever capacity he is engaged, he shall assiduously apply his skill and knowledge in the interests of his Employer.

If he is confronted by a problem which calls for knowledge and experience which he does not possess, he shall not hesitate to inform his Employer of the fact, and shall make an appropriate recommendation as to the desirability of obtaining further advice.

He shall not accept remuneration for services rendered other than from his Employer of with his Employer’s permission.

(4) If called upon to give evidence or otherwise to speak on a matter of fact, he shall speak what he believes to be the truth, irrespective of its effect on his own interest, the interests of other Engineers, or other sectional interest.

(5) A member shall not maliciously or recklessly injure or attempt to injure, whether directly or indirectly, the professional reputation, prospect or business of another Engineer.

(6) A member shall not improperly canvass or solicit professional employment nor offer to make by way of commission or otherwise payment for the introduction of such employment.

(7) A member shall not, in self-laudatory language or in any manner derogatory to the dignity of the profession, advertise or write articles for the publication, nor shall he authorize advertisements to be written or published by any other person.

(8) A member, without disclosing the fact to his Employer in writing, shall not be a director of nor have substantial financial interest in, nor be agent for any company, firm or person carrying on any contracting, consulting or manufacturing business which is or may be involved in the work to which his employment relates; nor shall he receive directly or indirectly any royalty, gratuity or commission on any article or process used in or for the purpose of the work in respect of which he is employed unless or until such royalty, gratuity or commission has been authorized in writing by his Employer.

He shall not report upon or make recommendation on any tender from a company or firm in which he has any substantial interest or on tenders which includes such a tender unless specifically requested to do so in writing by his Employer. In this case, he shall maintain an attitude of complete impartiality.

(9) A member shall not use the advantages of a salaried position to compete unfairly with Engineers in private practice nor use unfairly the advantages of private practice to the detriment of salaried engineers.

(10) A member shall not be convicted by a competent tribunal of a criminal offense which in the opinion of the disciplinary body renders him unfit to be a member shall be guilty of improper conduct.

(11) A member shall not, directly or indirectly, attempt to supplant another Engineer, nor shall he intervene or attempt to intervene in or in connection with engineering work of any kind which  to his knowledge has been entrusted to another engineer.

(12) A member shall not be the medium of payments made on his Employer’s behalf unless so requested by his Employer, nor shall he in connection with work on which he is employed place contracts or orders except with the authority of and on behalf of his Employer.

(13) When in a position of authority over other Engineers, he shall take every care to afford to those under his direction every reasonable opportunity to advance their knowledge and experience.

He shall ensure that proper credit is given to any subordinate who has contributed in any material way to work for which he is responsible.

(14) A member shall not use for his personal gain or advantage, nor shall he disclose, any confidential information which he may acquire as a result of special opportunities arising out of work for his employer.

(15) In the preparation of plans, specification and contract documents, and on the supervision of construction work, a member shall assiduously watch and conserve the interest of his employer.

However, in the interpretation of  contract documents, he shall maintain an attitude of scrupulous impartiality as between his employer on the one hand, and the contractor on the other, and shall, as far as he can, ensure that each party to the contract shall discharge his respective duties and enjoy respective rights as set down in the contract agreement.



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